Download | AffiliateWP – REST API Extended


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Free & Original product! We Purchase And Download From Original Authors You’ll Receive Without Any Alteration & Unmodified Files 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus Unlimited Domain Usage Free New Version Lifetime free updates !!! Product Version: 1.2 Product Last Updated: 14-12-2021 License: GPL

AffiliateWP – REST API Extended

AffiliateWP consists of a completed read-only RESTful API that allows developers and external capabilities according to engage with data into the AffiliateWP databases.

This REST API Extended add-on provides Create, Update, yet Delete operations in the mix, gift builders and external applications complete control above facts within the AffiliateWP databases.

With the REST API Extended add-on, the following actions are available to the REST API for affiliates, creatives, referrals, visits, then payouts:

  • Create affiliate/creative/referral/visit/payout
  • Update affiliate/creative/referral/visit/payout
  • Delete affiliate/creative/referral/visit/payout

The chances enabled together with it extended API are nearly endless. A little examples about possible capabilities include:

  • Visit and referral tracking beside exterior websites, such as non-WordPress sites
  • Referral tracking of custom or non-WordPress eCommerce systems
  • Synchronization on group accounts across multiple databases then servers
  • Automatically updating section money owed now changes are taken out of external applications
  • Creating referral records because of affiliates each period an method is processed into an external charge processor
  • Custom group areas hosted outdoor concerning WordPress

See our documentation for examples about the REST API Extended within employment yet because assistance of constructing you personal applications!

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