License Key Terms

These terms are specifically for sharing items with license keys and items without.

License Key Items

Dear valued customers,

We have a stack of premium themes and plugins that we distribute. Some are with real license keys issued from their original developers. License Key Items

Also, some of the items with their license keys are given to customers upon purchase. While others are not but we activate the license on your website ourselves (mostly requires you to send us temporary login access to your WordPress).

Pre-Activated Items

Dear valued customers,

We have a stack of premium themes and plugins that we distribute. Some are pre-activated, and they come with different ways of licensing. Pre-activated items don’t need a key to work. If it asks, you can enter a random key or ignore the notification you see as it doesn’t stop you from using it.

Explore pre-activated items

Read more about GPL License

Thanks for your interest and patronage.

Best regards,

Free WP Items

Freepik Downloader Tool

Please note, that downloading premium Freepik assets requires credit. Credits are lifetime, with no expiry.
This is a powerful tool and you may occasionally receive free download credits.

Envato Downloader Tool

Please note, that our free access has stopped and now requires a one-time token to gain access to the downloader tool.
This is a powerful tool and with our referred access, you'll occasionally receive free download credits.
€1 One-time access fee
You can adjust your cart directly from here

Envato Downloads Access


Enrolment Form