Download | Gravity Perks Unique ID Plugin


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Free & Original product! We Purchase And Download From Original Authors You’ll Receive Without Any Alteration & Unmodified Files 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus Unlimited Domain Usage Free New Version Lifetime free updates !!! Product Version: 1.4.12 Product Last Updated: 04-02-2023 License: GPL

Gravity Perks Unique ID Plugin

Gravity Forms Unique ID

What does it do?

The Unique ID perk provides a modern “Unique ID” subject type which generates a special ID for the penetration now submitted. It helps a number of types on unique IDs including alphanumeric, numeric, and sequential.

Common Uses

  • Provide a set-length confirmation or notice range because each entry; should lie displayed about the affirmation page then between notifications (i.e. “Your affirmation quantity is ABC142Z3”).
  • Maintain a sequential bill quantity (a prison want because some countries)
  • Generate a unique billet articles so can be old about next shape submissions (tutorial presence soon!)
  • Generate a special number because of usage within raffles

There are probably a hundred vile methods this should lie used. We would without a doubt love in conformity with hear how much you’re the use of it!

How does such work?

This plugin gives a recent “Unique ID” discipline kind (available within the “Advanced Fields” group). When a form containing a “Unique ID” subject is submitted, a unique ID is generated then populated because that field. The ID is unique in imitation of the structure yet field.

How slave I enable this functionality?

  1. Open the shape on as thou would like in accordance with encompass it functionality.
  2. Open the “Advanced Fields” team regarding the correct aspect on the structure editor.
  3. Find and click of the “Unique ID” subject button.
  4. Modify the subject settings namely needed. See below for perfect important points on the reachable subject settings.
  5. Save you modifications by means of clicking the “Update Form” button.


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