Find The Best WordPress Developers To Hire. Approved By Us And Ideal For You!

Free WP Developers is a WordPress agency. We pair clients with the top WordPress professionals. We assist clients in solving any WordPress-related issues.
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free best WordPress developers

Our Trust are Present Here

We've earned trust and recommendation from previous clients and testimonies can be seen from these brands
Our Services

Your Center of World-Class WordPress Specialists

Your Center of World-Class WordPress Specialists for Short-Term, Recurrent, And Permanent Projects.


Create stunning designs for any website, page, or application.


Create new or improve current e-commerce websites.


Create unique solutions for your online presence requirements.


Customize the functionality of an existing website or create a new one from scratch.


Customize the appearance of your website or create one from scratch.


Enable communication between your website and any other online resource.


Fix important problems immediately and keep your website up at all times.


Maintain your website’s security and performance.


If Our Word Isn't Enough

Your Center of World-Class WordPress Specialists for Short-Term, Recurrent, And Permanent Projects.

They delivered everything very quickly

The client was impressed with Free WP Developers’ efficiency — the team delivered reliable services ahead of schedule without sacrificing quality. Moreover, the assigned project manager was very competent in terms of making sure all tasks were tracked and submitted on time.

Manager, MK Real Estate Management

97% of WordPress specialists with 10 or more years of industry experience

The average rating for a project is 4.95 stars.

Every month, more than 20 jobs are completed without any problems.

Randy Tye

Clients are so satisfied that 96% said they would use them again.

During business hours, the average interaction with customer care takes less than 7 minutes. It was a well-built platform for CRM.

Denise Clinton

Our Consciousness

The Approach We Use to Recruit Top-Tier WordPress Developers

Procedures we use to ensure the highest quality of hires
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  • Evaluation by Experts

    They look at how good your English skills are, both speaking and writing. Your background with WordPress and freelance work matters too, based on what you included in that long application.

  • Technical Evaluation
    Next up is some test work they gotta do. Our hiring folks and tech experts review it to see how skilled they are with coding, solving problems, and writing quality code.
  • Live coding exam and behavioral interview

    After that, we meet with them in person. Gotta make sure they actually know their stuff and can explain it well. We check if their people skills and technical know-how are up to par.”

  • The Free WP Items Academy test

    Everyone has to go through our training program first. It covers all the rules, processes, and quality standards we expect them to follow.

  • 90-day trial period

    Once they start real work, they get 90 days to show our team they’ve got the skills, do thorough work, act professionally, and are straight-up honest.

  • The Constant Evaluation of Performance

    Without a doubt, professionals are required to maintain the current high standards. If they don’t perform, we dismiss them swiftly and with respect.

Few of the Wordpress Developers We've Thoroughly Vetted

Featured team members.
  • Dev Team

    WordPress, Development
    Handling core WordPress tools development
  • Fabian van Vliet

    WordPress, Web Design
    Web design, website planning, modification
  • Ayobami Isaac

    UI/UX Design / Graphics
    Expert in UI/UX for WordPress websites.
  • Lilly Eyre

    Content writing
    Web contents, copywriting and blog articles.
  • Ryan North

    WordPress, SEO/UX
    Vetted for SEO. Structuring clients' website for SEO.
  • Arvind Parsa

    WordPress, eCommerce
    Swift handling of eCommerce related issues.

Trusted by the leading WordPress companies.

Earned awards & certifications from different platforms
Our Consciousness

Get a WordPress Developer in Less Than 24 Hours.

Our developer(s) would be assigned to your project in a matter of a few hours.
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Tell us what you need, and we will do whatever it takes, from minor tweaks to full website development.


We will put you in touch with the best developer for your project so that you can discuss your needs and fully define the scope of the work.


Get a single quote, choose and employ your developer of choice, and get to work.

Frequently Asked Question

  • Where & how to hire a WordPress Developer?

    Free WP Developers holds an agency of world-class WordPress experts. You can hire Free WP Developers to create a very powerful website for you. All you need is to submit your project details and start consultation.

  • What kinds of projects are permitted on Free WP Items?

    They handle all kinds of stuff – small fixes for errors, plugins acting up, slow sites. Basic maintenance too like moving sites, updating themes and plugins, speeding things up and tightening security. They can even build totally custom themes, plugins or whole new websites from scratch.

  • When I describe my project, how do you find the best developers to work on it?

    We have a system that matches your project to the right developer based on the project details and who’s available. Our developers also only take jobs they know for sure they can complete on time and to the highest quality.

  • How quickly will I hear back from an expert?

    Most of the time, you should hear back from experts and get their help on your project within three to five hours. If you haven’t heard back from an expert within that period, please contact our support staff and they will investigate your case and get it in front of the right people as soon as possible.


  • My work has to be done right now. Can you help?

    It all depends on your sense of urgency, however. Most of the time, it takes specialists three to five hours to start looking at your project and talking about it, and another twenty-two to twenty-four hours to finish scoping it and figuring out how much it will cost. If you haven’t heard back from an expert within this time limit, please contact our support staff and they will investigate your project and get it in front of the right people as soon as possible.


  • Is there any refund policy in place?

    You can get a refund if the developer doesn’t deliver what was agreed on. If you can’t settle on the refund amount yourselves, we’ll step in and decide.

    A couple things to know – our fee is non-refundable no matter what. And you can request a refund anytime before marking the project complete. Once you mark it done, that means you accepted the work, so no refunds after that.

  • Do I have to pay to submit a project with Free WP Items?

    Putting in a project doesn’t cost anything, and you don’t have to hire a professional even after getting an estimate.

  • So what if I have additional questions?

    Questions? We’re here to help.

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